Scott Williams Fine Homes

Peach Picking Time

peachesToday I called up a client who recently turned 91. She’s still living at home with no intention of changing. She invited me over to help pick peaches. She said her tree was over flowing. Always up for some good homegrown fruit, this was too good of an invitation to turn down so I made a run over to her house to pick peaches.

She promised me a bag of peaches, so I was motivated, but my job it turns out was to “help” with the picking. That made sense. She wasn’t just giving away excess peaches she was soliciting able bodied help. She is using a walker these days and is having a hard time getting around. Peach picking is just a little bit out of her abilities – with uneven ground and reaching up high into a tree.

So I picked-up two plastic bags and headed for the back yard. The lovely 10 year old tree was practically breaking down with luscious red/yellow fruit. Picking ripe ones were easy, they were everywhere including on the ground, all perfect for making cobbler. I picked a bag for her and a bag for me.

So much thanks to my 91 year old friend. I was glad to help both of us out with a little volunteer work. Tonight’s job is to turn out a cobbler since my son is coming over to visit.


peaches_in_panCobbler finished






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